Motorcycle Insurance – Manitoba

There isn’t much in the world that can compare to a summer motorcycle ride. From cruise nights with friends to your main mode of transportation before the snow falls, motorcycle season is exciting to many. Let us help navigate what motorcycle insurance is right for you. When you buy motorcycle insurance in Manitoba, you will be purchasing basic mandatory coverage which is provided by Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI), sold through us either by email, phone or in person at any of our Manitoba locations.

As your local insurance experts, we know that each motorcycle in Manitoba is unique in its own way. From those who commute to work in Winnipeg every day, to those who are out on the prairie open road catching sunset views, we’ve got you covered.

We understand it’s vital to protect what’s most important to you and your family. Our expert insurance advisors are here to ensure you’re protected and provide peace of mind so you can focus on what’s important in your life.

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We know that your insurance needs to match your goals, your lifestyle and your budget. Our expert insurance advisors get to know you, so that they can tailor a policy to your exact needs.

We’ll find the best coverage for you at the right price so that you can continue to live your life the way you want to.

Insurance can be complex sometimes. Let our expert insurance advisors do the heavy lifting! We’ll help you find a policy that you feel is the best fit and provides peace of mind. To learn more about the benefits of being a Westland client, click here.

Who needs to buy motorcycle insurance?

If you drive a motorcycle, moped or scooter on any public roadway, you will need to insure your motorcycle. The actual definition of a motorcycle, other than sweet, beauty, beastlike, or just plain cool, is as follows:

  • Can be two tandem or three wheels
  • Engine size is over 50cc’s
  • Includes mopeds and scooters
  • For Autopac purposes, there are five key categories:
    •  Sport
    • Touring
    • Sport touring
    • Motor scooter
    • Other

What’s included in basic Autopac motorcycle insurance?

The basic Autopac policy provides insurance protection for collision and upset, up to a maximum insured value of $70,000, $500,000 liability coverage and $750 deductible. From there, depending on your personal situation, type of motorcycle and your use of it, you will want to consider adding extensions to increase your protection.

What is third party liability for a motorcycle and why is it important?

One might think a half million is enough third party liability coverage. But to provide a clear picture of how much is enough, let’s talk about Where you intend to travel on your motorcycle. All Manitobans are covered by the Personal Injury Protection Plan so if you were to injure someone with your motorcycle, they will be well protected and do not have the right to sue you for injuries. This works great! – unless you’re planning on travelling outside of Manitoba. And most certainly if you are venturing south of the 49th. The difference in cost to go from $500,000 to $10million in liability coverage is around only $2 per month, depending on your driver rating.

What is the best deductible for motorcycle insurance?

The basic deductible is $750 but you can choose to buy it down to either $500, $300 or $200. In the event of a collision claim, what are you able to come up with to put toward the repair? The deductible is the amount of money you will pay out of your pocket toward the repair of your motorcycle. Some people choose a lower deductible to lessen the financial impact to themselves at the time of a claim.

What about coverage for fire, theft, windstorm?

You will want to think about comprehensive coverage to give you that added protection. Comprehensive coverage protects you from losses such as fire, theft and windstorm. If you select the $500 deductible option, in the event that your motorcycle is stolen, this deductible is waived. And buying down your deductible to $200 provides you with added benefit of waiving the deductible for both theft and vandalism.

What is loss of use coverage and how will it help you?

When you purchase your motorcycle insurance, it’s important to think about how you use your bike. Let’s say you ride your motorcycle to and from work every day during the riding season and that is your main mode of transportation. It’s likely going to be important for you to have access to a replacement as soon as possible. What if you have booked a full riding season with adventures and not having your wheels ruins your summer? Loss of use coverage kicks in right away with no waiting to have your repairs assessed and completed.

Basic Autopac coverage only provides loss of use if your motorcycle is stolen so this extension product may be something you will want to add to your personalized coverage.

How do you calculate the insured value of a motorcycle?

When you go to insure your ride, you will be asked to select the declared value which will determine the limit of coverage you will purchase. Originally this will be part of the bill of sale but you will also want to take into consideration modifications you have made to make yours the stand out beauty that it is! And of course, you will want to consider depreciation over the years. Elements that will form the value of your motorcycle include:

  • Make and model
  • Engine size
  • Level of customization

Try to be accurate with your declared value as the amount that will be paid out to you in the event of a total loss will be based on fair market value.

What does motorcycle insurance cost?

Once you have determined the declared value of your motorcycle, the premium you pay for insurance will also be impacted by how you use your motorcycle (just pleasure? to and from work?) as well as where you live (do you ride in the city or rural?). Your driving record will also affect your premium. And of course the optional coverages and deductibles you select will play a role in the cost as well.

How is motorcycle insurance calculated for the half year riding season?

Quite differently from car insurance, your motorcycle insurance recognizes the riding season to be May 1st to September 30th and includes the layup coverage for the rest of the year. You can ride your scooter at any time and you will be insured but there is no reduction in premium to outside of the riding season when there is risk of an accident.

What about coverage for a moped or scooter?

How is a scooter or moped defined differently from a motorcycle? Basically, if your ride falls within the following description, you can register as a scooter or moped:

  • Two tandem or three wheels
  • Wheels larger than 250 mm
  • Maximum engine displacement is 50cc’s or it has an electric motor
  • Maximum speed of 50kms per hour
  • If the maximum cc’s or maximum speed exceeds these limits, your bike must be registered as a motorcycle.

Review Your Insurance and Get a Quote with Westland

Ready to discuss your insurance needs? Our expert advisors are here to review your current insurance policies, discuss your unique needs, and find the perfect motorcycle insurance policy for you. Whether it’s over email, the phone or in person we are ready to help! To get started on a quote now and see price estimates for your motorcycle coverage, click the button below. Our advisors will contact you right away and help navigate your risk management needs. Of course, we are always available to talk over the phone or in person. Check out our locations page to connect with an office closest to you!

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