Care-Providers Insurance – Newfoundland and Labrador

Operating senior care or retirement facilities can be an enriching experience. From having a great team to look after and care for the residents to creating meaningful experiences and memories. As an organization providing care for our older population, you know the importance of safety, as it’s at the forefront of your organization. Let us take care of you in finding the right coverage so you’re able to focus on what’s most important.

We understand it’s vital to protect what’s most important to you and your business. Our expert insurance advisors are here to ensure you’re protected and provide peace of mind so you can focus on nurturing your business for the future.

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Why Choose Westland?

We know that your business insurance needs to match your goals, your business and your budget. Our expert business insurance advisors get to know you and your business, so that they can tailor a policy to your exact needs. We’ll work with you to build a risk management solution, ensuring coverages line up with your business needs.

We understand that insurance can be complex sometimes. Let our expert insurance advisors do the heavy lifting! We’ll help you find a policy that you feel is the best fit and provides peace of mind. To learn more about the benefits of being a Westland client, click here.

Care Providers Insurance Explained

Whether your facilities are home to those in small communities or your operation is home to many in a facility with various amenities, every care provider organization faces risks specific to the industry. Like any business, some risks can have potentially devastating consequences. For example, risks include everything from damage from plumbing systems to natural disasters and legal liability risks. The most common claims affecting this sector that we see most include fires, vehicle impacts, slip and falls, assaults, electrical damage, and more. By far the leading type of claims both in frequency and in severity are water damage losses. With the right insurance policy in place, we can ensure your business is covered so you can focus on providing the best care to your residents.

Senior and retirement care providers aren’t in the business of creating the next best product or app; your focus is on the support and empowerment of those who’ve placed their trust in you. Because of this, there are unique risks to the care providers industry. We have more than 35 years of experience customizing insurance policies for senior retirement and care facilities’ unique needs.

At Westland, we have a comprehensive and specialized care provider package that has everything to keep your business covered, including:

  • Directors & Officers Liability Insurance
  • Property Coverage
  • Crime/Fidelity
  • Abuse & Harassment Liability Insurance
  • Community Care & Assisted Living Act
  • Drug Spoilage, All Risks Exterior Glass & Non-Owned
  • Automobile Insurance
  • Business Interruption Insurance
  • Professional Errors & Omissions Liability Insurance
  • Volunteer Accident Insurance
  • Equipment Breakdown Insurance

We can help with your auto insurance needs too! Connect with us today to ensure you’re covered out on the road.

Review Your Insurance and Get a Quote with Westland

Ready to discuss your insurance needs? Our expert advisors are here to review your current insurance policies, discuss your unique risks and operations, and find the perfect insurance policy for your business. Whether it’s over email, the phone or in person we are ready to help! To get started on a quote now and see price estimates for your business coverage, click the button below. Our advisors will contact you right away and help navigate your risk management needs. Of course, we are always available to talk over the phone or in person. Check out our locations page to connect with an office closest to you!

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