Calgary Transportation Insurance

When you own a semi-truck operation, you must constantly navigate the challenges of the transportation industry. You have to find drivers, manage rising fuel costs, and maintain your vehicles. How do you balance your insurance premiums with other expenses?

You know that you need insurance; you’re looking for a policy that protects your business and fits your budget.

Make sure your business has the protection it needs. At Westland Insurance, we can help with that. Whether you have a large fleet of vehicles or just a few, we can help you mitigate the unique risks in your business.

Need help finding the right coverage for your business? Our brokerage team is committed to helping our clients find affordable and comprehensive trucking insurance. Here’s what our brokers can offer you:

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What Does Transportation Insurance Cover?

Even if you’re a cautious driver, accidents still happen. A minor collision can be enough to put a dent in your revenue. In an event like this, you need transportation insurance to protect your business. Your trucking insurance includes:

What will happen if you damage someone’s property during your drive? Or if you’re involved in an accident that causes bodily injury to others? Liability coverage helps you financially recover from an accident.

Your Calgary transportation insurance also includes accident benefits. This policy offers payment for rehabilitation treatment, death benefits, and income replacement.

Purchasing a regular car is expensive. But in the transportation industry, the vehicles that your business needs are often double or triple the price. Repairing a truck is no small expense. With collision and comprehensive coverage, you can receive financial compensation for the damage that results from fires, theft, or an accident.

Cover your unique insurance needs with Calgary transportation insurance, designed to protect your business. Are you seeking additional protection for your trucking business? You can choose from specialized coverage options, including:

  • Loading & unloading
  • Debris removal
  • Aggregate deductibles
  • Reefer breakdown
  • Cargo

Along with the vehicle itself, you also need to insure the cargo you’re transporting. In Alberta, the contents and value of that cargo are highly variable. What will happen if that cargo is damaged while you’re loading or unloading? With Calgary transportation insurance, you may not have to pay those replacement costs out of pocket.

What Doesn’t It Cover?

It’s important to know the limitations of your coverage. By learning what’s not covered by your Alberta trucking insurance, you can determine if you need additional insurance to protect your business.

Every policy has its limits. If your vehicles or cargo are damaged by fire, theft, or an accident, then you need enough trucking insurance to cover those costs. And if you transport high-value cargo, then you’ll want to increase your policy limits.

Who Needs It?

You might be wondering if you need transportation insurance for your business. With any type of vehicle, insurance is mandatory in Alberta. At the bare minimum, you need accident benefits and liability coverage.

But in the event of an accident, you’ll want more than minimal coverage. We can help you address your specific needs to find the right insurance policy for your business.

Examples of Claims

You accidentality strike an overhang on a building while pulling into a warehouse lot.  You can cover the damage to both your truck and the building that you have damaged  through this insurance coverage, saving you costly repairs that you would be responsible for.

But with Calgary transportation insurance, you can rest assured that you’ll have the protection you need. When you contact us, we’ll determine how much coverage you have, and what you need to make sure you’re protected.

If you’d like to learn more about the claims you can make with Trucking insurance, contact Westland Insurance today!

The Benefits of Working with Westland

By working with a transportation insurance specialist at Westland, here’s what you can expect:

  • Monthly payment plans. Break up your commercial insurance payments into monthly installments. This makes our services more affordable for your team.
  • Excellent claims service. When you need to make claims, we’ll be there to help you through the process.
  • Specialized coverages. Personalize your transportation insurance to meet your needs with Westland.
  • Competitive quotes & premiums. It’s best to shop around before you purchase commercial insurance. To help you find the best price for your insurance needs, we’ll compare rates offered by different companies.
  • Risk management. We can’t predict the future. Any number of things can impact our businesses, from accidents to fire damage. Manage these risks with business insurance.

Request a Quote Today!

Looking for transportation insurance? At our brokerage, we’ll ensure that you’re protected against common perils in the trucking industry.

You can find our advisors at the following locations:

Are you looking for the best coverage for your trucking business? When you contact us, we’ll put you in touch with a broker who can help you meet your insurance needs. Get in touch with Westland Insurance today

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