Edmonton Car Insurance

After you purchase a vehicle, you learn about all the costs associated with it. You need to change the oil, invest in winter tires, and keep it clean. Here’s one expense you can’t skip: Auto insurance.

Even if you have a perfect driving record, and you’ve never been involved in a car accident, you could be impacted by theft, vandalism, or a distracted driver. These are just a few instances where car insurance will come in handy.

You shouldn’t have to worry about whether you’re properly insured. When you have questions, our advisors are here for you. At Westland, we make it simple to understand your auto insurance coverage.

To get around a city as big as Edmonton, you need a car. And that means you need car insurance. At Westland Insurance, we’re here to help with that.

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Why Choose Westland Insurance in Edmonton?

With each client we take on, we tailor their auto insurance policy to fit their goals. By getting to know you, we can find a policy that meets your needs.

How do you use your car? Is it how you get to work each morning, or is it something you only use on the weekends? Depending on your usage, vehicle model, and driving record, we can recommend insurance policies that suit your lifestyle.

Discover the peace of mind that insurance has to offer. Live your life the way you want to with insurance coverage that’s right for you.

Car Insurance in Edmonton: What You Need To Know

Auto insurance isn’t optional in Alberta—it’s mandatory. If you’re caught driving an uninsured automobile, you could face severe fines and have your vehicle impounded.

In addition, car insurance is sold through private companies, not through the government. And not all insurance providers offer the same prices or coverage. Without a car insurance broker, it’s tough to choose which company to work with. But there’s no need to worry—that’s what we’re here for.

First, we’re going to explain a few things that will help you understand your car insurance policy:


Let’s start by defining what a deductible is. Each time you make a car insurance claim (for damage, an at-fault accident, or theft), you have to pay the deductible. A deductible is different from your insurance premium.


Edmonton car insurance premiums are paid annually, semi-annually, or monthly. It’s the amount that you pay to keep your car insurance policy active. After making a claim, you can expect to pay higher insurance premiums.

How much will my car insurance cost?

Many factors affect the cost of insurance, from your driving history to your claims record.

Looking for an Edmonton auto insurance quote? Simply fill out our online form and an insurance broker will be in touch with you shortly.

Third-Party Liability Explained. Here’s Why You Need It:

You know that your car insurance policy covers damages to your vehicle. But what if you cause damage to someone else’s car? That’s where third-party liability coverage (or TPL) comes into play.

What is third-party liability insurance?

If you’re involved in an accident, this policy covers injuries and damages to other people or their property. The “third party” refers to any person who takes legal action against you. If you are sued for causing bodily injury, property damage, or death, third-party liability insurance will cover legal costs.

A basic insurance policy includes $200,000 of third-party liability coverage, but you have the option to increase it if you wish. Keep in mind that you will need to pay out of pocket for anything over the coverage limit. Since most accidents cause more than $200,000 of damages (especially if there’s a lawsuit involved), we recommend that our clients increase their TPL.


Accident Benefits

Car accidents can be traumatic. Whether you’re at fault or not, an accident can result in medical costs, lifelong injuries, and even death. These incidents can have severe financial repercussions for those involved.

Accident benefits coverage is mandatory with every auto insurance purchase. It provides direct compensation for any pedestrian, driver, or passenger involved in the accident, regardless of who was at fault. This coverage includes:

  • Medical Expenses
    Even though Alberta has a public health care plan, certain expenses may go beyond the scope of that coverage and need to be covered as an extra expense.
  • Rehabilitation Expenses
    After a severe bodily injury, it may take months of rehabilitation to recover. These costs will be covered by accident benefits.
  • Occupational Therapy
    Regain your independence following an accident with occupational therapy.
  • Loss of Income
    While you’re recovering from an injury, your insurance company may supplement your loss of income.
  • Total Disability
    If you are unable to work following an accident, this coverage may reimburse you for a percentage of your regular earnings.
  • Funeral Expenses
    When a death occurs unexpectedly, that person may not have set aside any savings for their funeral or put a will in place. Funeral expenses are covered by your insurance company.
  • Death Benefits
    This helps relieve financial stress from families that have lost a loved one due to a car accident.

Physical Damage

Along with bodily injuries and property damage, accidents also cause extensive damage to your vehicle. On your auto insurance, you can choose from three types of physical damage coverage:

  • Collision Coverage
    This car insurance policy will compensate you to repair or replace your vehicle after an at-fault accident, hit and run, or when an uninsured third party is at fault.
  • Comprehensive
    Comprehensive coverage covers any damages caused by fire, vandalism, theft, falling objects, windstorms, or hailstorms.
  • All Perils
    Are you interested in purchasing collision and comprehensive coverage? This policy combines both packages for more complete coverage.

Optional Car Insurance Coverages

Looking for more protection? While third-party liability and accident benefits coverage are mandatory, you can choose from these optional add-ons for your car insurance:

  • Loss of Use
    When your car is out of service due to pending repairs, this policy covers the cost of renting a replacement vehicle.
  • Family Protection Endorsement
    Even though Edmonton auto insurance is mandatory, you could still be involved in a collision with an uninsured driver. Family Protection Endorsement coverage will provide the funding you and your family need to recover from an accident, even if the at-fault driver has no insurance.
  • Rental Car Coverage
    Many drivers in Edmonton are unaware that they need to ensure their rental vehicles, too. Purchase this endorsement to extend your coverage to a rental vehicle; it’s usually less expensive than buying the coverage from the rental car company.
  • Replacement Cost
    Replacing a new vehicle is no small expense. But with Replacement Cost coverage, insurance companies will reimburse you to replace a vehicle that’s damaged beyond repair. This coverage is especially important for new vehicles to make sure that you end up with a similar quality vehicle after a loss.
  • Limited Glass Endorsement
    Do you have a crack in your windshield? With this policy, you’ll get limited glass coverage under your comprehensive policy in exchange for a greatly reduced premium on your comprehensive premium coverage. If you’d like full glass coverage, you *may need to purchase a separate policy.
  • Accident Forgiveness
    One car accident can affect your insurance rates for years to come. With this insurance coverage, your first at-fault loss will not affect your record or your insurance premiums.

What Affects the Cost of Auto Insurance in Edmonton?

It’s time to address the elephant in the room: how much will policies like these cost? You’re looking for affordable car insurance that offers enough protection for you and your family. But the answer is that many different factors affect the cost of your auto insurance. It depends on everything from your specific vehicle to your usage patterns. We’ve listed a few of those factors here:

  • Driver/Claim History
    It pays to drive safely. You’ll receive a discount on your car insurance in Edmonton when you have a good driving record.
  • Use of Vehicle
    How frequently do you use your car? If you drive it every day, you’ll need to pay more to insure it than if you only drive it once a week.
  • Location
    If you live in a densely populated area, there’s a higher risk that you could collide with another driver on the road. Your location also affects the likelihood that your vehicle will be damaged by theft or vandalism.

Ways To Save on Your Auto Insurance

Looking for ways to lower your car insurance coverage costs? By changing your lifestyle or your vehicle, you can potentially secure a lower insurance rate. Here’s our advice:

  • Bundle Your Insurance
    By combining several insurance plans into one, you may be eligible for a discount. Consider bundling your home insurance with your car insurance in Edmonton.
  • Prioritize Safe Driving
    Whenever you’re involved in an accident or get a ticket, it raises your Edmonton car insurance rates. Stay safe on the roads by practicing attentive driving, keeping your phone out of sight, and never getting behind the wheel when you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Ask About Mature Discounts
    Those who are older than 65 years of age may be eligible for a Mature Discount.
  • Be Mindful About Who Drives Your Car
    If your friend is in a tough spot, they might ask to borrow your car. But even if you want to help them, remember that if they’re involved in an accident, it will affect your auto insurance rates. If you’re going to lend your vehicle to another person, make sure it’s someone you trust.
  • Raise Your Deductible
    If you raise your deductible, it will lower your auto insurance premiums. But keep in mind that if you do make a claim, you’ll need to pay that difference via the deductible.
  • Assess Your Usage
    If you only drive your car occasionally, but you’re paying to insure it for a daily commute, talk to your insurance company about usage-based insurance.
  • Call an Insurance Advisor
    One of the best ways to save is by working with our insurance advisors. We’ll do a comparison shop for you, where we look at rates offered by different insurance companies.
  • Maintain Your Insurance
    If you have years of consistent insurance history, you may be eligible for a discount on your insurance rates.


Car insurance is pretty complex stuff. We want Edmonton drivers to have the information they need to make informed decisions about their insurance coverage. Here are a few answers to the most common insurance questions:

You will need to provide the following:

  • Driving history record
  • Vehicle registration
  • A valid driver’s licence
  • Information about any drivers who will be operating your vehicle

You can add optional coverage to your policy to protect yourself from these costs. Coverage options for uninsured automobile coverage include Family Protection or collision and comprehensive protection.

No. The possessions inside your vehicle are not protected by your car insurance coverage. To insure these belongings, you need to protect them with your home insurance policy.

Yes. By law, you are required to purchase accident benefits and third-party liability insurance. However, we also recommend purchasing additional coverage options, including comprehensive or collision insurance.

This will vary based on what type of policy you’ve purchased. Depending on your insurance coverage, you may be reimbursed for medical expenses, property damage, bodily injuries, legal fees, or vehicle replacement costs.

Request a Quote

If you need car insurance in Edmonton, Westland Insurance is here to help. We offer online car insurance quotes.

When you contact us, we’ll put you in touch with an insurance broker. Our goal is to help you find a car insurance rate that suits your budget and your lifestyle. We offer this service in the following Edmonton locations:

If you’re looking for auto insurance in Edmonton, call Westland Insurance today!

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