Car Insurance Lethbridge
Private auto insurance in Alberta gives drivers a wide variety of options, which makes it challenging to find the price that best suits your needs. Westland Insurance Brokers has been helping clients in Alberta with all their car insurance needs since 2011, and our experts are ready to talk with you. We compare rates and matching coverages to let you see at a glance how much money you can save on Lethbridge auto insurance – sometimes up to $800 on annual premiums.
The City of Lethbridge is growing every year, with the latest municipal census data determining the population is now almost 95,000. With any town expansion comes more traffic. Maintaining safety and the ability to recover from accidents is crucial. Westland Insurance clients are advised on all aspects of coverage to ensure they can get back to life as it was before the life-altering incident.
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How Alberta Auto Insurance Rates Are Created
In Alberta, the AIRB (Auto Insurance Rate Board) and the Office of the Superintendent of Insurance both oversee Lethbridge auto insurance rates. A premium grid was imposed on auto insurers in 2004, which sets maximum limits on Lethbridge auto insurance premiums that insurance companies can charge for basic coverage.
According to the AIRB, in Alberta, the minimum requirement for insurance is $200,000 Third-Party Liability and Accident Benefits.
Partners in Safety
A significant benefit for Lethbridge drivers is the Alberta Traffic Safety Plan or TSP. Since its launch in 2007, the total number of collisions, deaths, and injuries on Alberta’s roads has diminished. In fact, over the last four to five years, traffic fatalities are down almost 32 percent.
A revised plan introduced in 2015 will utilize partnerships created in the initial model of the program. This new system will focus on safer drivers, roads, and vehicles that will ultimately benefit everyone and help people save on Lethbridge auto insurance costs.
Lethbridge Regional Police are one of the partners in the Alberta Safety Plan with their Intersection safety program in January (the month when intersection-related collisions happen most often).
The team at the Traffic Safety Plan 2015 is also working with national and international efforts to ensure the Road Safety Strategy’s goal of making Canada’s roads the safest in the world.
Caution: Pedestrians and Cyclists
The City of Lethbridge boasts a city-wide pedestrian/cyclist system that covers 30 kilometres (19 miles) through the scenic Coal Banks Trail. But every year, over 10,000 pedestrians are injured on Canadian roads. Injuries to walkers from motor vehicles are among the most serious. Ensuring that third-party liability on Lethbridge auto insurance is in place is vital.
Click here to find a Westland Insurance Broker for more details.
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