Ross Bucsis of Westland Insurance receives Canadian Mental Health Association Alberta South Region “Outstanding Service” Award

 Awards  Community

We’re proud to share that Ross Bucsis, a Commercial Insurance Manager based in Calgary, AB, has been selected as a recipient of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Alberta South Region “Outstanding Service” Award for 2021.

Ross drove up to Edmonton in a blizzard for CMHA Alberta’s AGM for the first time in 1980 with the hope of securing a policy with the group. He landed the contract and, in the 42 years since, has become an increasingly dedicated supporter and ally.

CMHA Alberta provides compassionate support, responsible care, and accessible resources to Albertans navigating their mental health. Ross had always admired the work that CMHA was doing, but the critical importance of the support the organization provides became even more apparent to Ross when his daughter experienced her own mental health challenges.

When Ross’ daughter, a two-time Olympic athlete, began experiencing depression, Ross reached out to CMHA for help. They immediately sprung into action, connecting her with support programs and one-on-one counselling to get her quickly on the road to recovery. Mental health challenges have an impact on the entire family—Ross describes feeling frightful and helpless and CMHA’s support also helped Ross navigate the challenge as a parent.

Ross is honoured to receive the “Outstanding Service” Award, saying “I can’t tell you how much this means to me. They wouldn’t usually give these awards to an insurance provider, but our relationship is so much more than just sending invoices.”
We asked Ross what advice he would give to someone who is experiencing challenges with their mental health:

  • Get help right away.
    Nobody is as tough as they think they are. The minute you detect it in yourself or your family, get the resources you need. There is no judgment in getting help.
  • Set a routine and move your body.
    Establish a routine that helps to get you out of your house and moving. Even easy movement, like a walk, helps to reduce anxiety.
  • Rethink how you think about mental health.
    There is so much judgment and stigma around mental health, and that needs to end. We are all so much closer to needing support than we realize and need to demonstrate compassion for each other, whether we know someone is struggling or not.

If you or someone you know needs urgent support, call the CMHA Mental Health Help Line at :

1-877-303-2642. More resources can be found at